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Zang Fu Pattern Identification Study Guide


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by Yi Qiao & Julie Liu
Published: Eastland Press (7 June 2021)
ISBN: 9780939616961
Number of pages: 437

Zàng fû pattern identification (臟腑辯證 zàng fû biàn zhèng) is a method that is used to analyze the signs and symptoms of disease according to the physiological functions and pathological characteristics of the zàng fû organs, individually and in concert with other organs. On this basis, one can infer the etiology, pathology, location and nature of a disease. It also reveals the condition of the body’s normal (antipathogenic) qi and its ability to battle pathogenic qi.

All physiological functions and pathological changes are associated with the zàng fû organs. Most often, the occurrence and development of disease is the result of zàng fû organ dysfunction. Zàng fû pattern identification is one of the core diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine and is the foundation for clinical analysis and differentiation of every disease, particularly for interior and chronic conditions.

Zang Fu Pattern Identification Study Guide provides an in-depth description and analysis of the physiological characteristics, common etiological factors and pathological patterns of each of the zàng fû organs. Part I explores the five zàng or ‘solid’ yin organs, and Part II the six fû or ‘hollow’ yang organs. Similar patterns are differentiated from one another.

Part III examines the most common compound or complex patterns involving pathology between two or more associated organs. Part IV addresses more difficult questions that require deeper exploration. Rounding out the book in Part V is a comprehensive self-examination with 200 questions and answers based on the material in the text.

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