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Traumatology & Orthopaedics Treated with Chinese Medicine with Karl Zippelius


5 years online access to 10 hrs 28 minutes of TCM traumatology & orthopaedic diagnostic and treatment strategies

Unlimited reviews within that time

PDF download of the same notes given to attendees

A certificate worth 10.5 CPD points upon the successful completion of a final quiz

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This recorded 2 day seminar will provide all the tools for a successful treatment of orthopaedic and traumatological patients with Chinese Herbs, Acupuncture and Tui Na. Dr. Karl Zippelius will further broaden your knowledge about the physiology and pathology of the locomotor system according to TCM.

The techniques learnt in this seminar will help to strengthen your overall treatment outcomes and can be applied immediately to your clinical practice.



Western Sports Medicine uses the simple RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) for treating trauma patients. Chinese Medicine treatment advocates immediate movement, acupuncture, massage therapy, and topical herbal applications instead of ice therapy.

Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the pathomechanisms of the three healing stages of musculoskeletal injuries according to TCM. Instead of a general treatment protocol, the Chinese Medicine treatment strategy is adapted to every individual case and to the three healing phases.

To avoid long term post-traumatic complications, this recorded seminar highlights the importance of very early treatment of blood stasis during the acute phase of trauma and sports injuries.   

Learn powerful techniques to better assess, diagnose and treat trauma patients with: Topical herbal treatments, Acupuncture point combinations and Tui Na hand techniques to stimulate natural healing processes.



Dr. Zippelius will augment your knowledge about the role of external pathogenic factors, organ-meridian relationship (internal external relation), yin-yang balance, Qi blocked in meridians, postural aspects, emotional underlay of disease and the role of daily habits.

Participants will learn to clinically examine the different functional body units and to elaborate individualized treatment strategies for the most common pathologies of the loco-motor system. An integrative treatment combines Acupuncture with internal and external application of Chinese herbs, specific hand techniques and physical exercise.


Here’s What You Get When You Register Today


5 years online access to 10 hrs 28 minutes of TCM traumatology & orthopaedic
diagnostic and treatment strategies

Unlimited reviews within that time

PDF download of the same notes given to attendees

A certificate worth 10.5 CPD points upon the successful completion of a final quiz


Get Full Access Today For Just $419

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