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Jessy Tu Chinese Reader Jessy老师汉语读本



本系列共10 本書,是 Jessy 老師專為CFL學生編寫的讀本,適合小學至中學階段的學習者。內容特色: 老師上課了 Age 4+ (HSK 1) 美美老師的一天 Age 6+ (HSK2) 猜猜我是什麼水果? Age 8+ (HSK3) 你看到我了嗎? Age 8+ (HSK3) 有人看到我的母老虎嗎? Age 10+ (HSK3) 我的媽媽生病了 Age 10+ (HSK3) 王爺爺忙起來了 Age 10+ (HSK3) 我的鄰居怎麼了? Age 10+ (HSK3,4) 扣合IGCSE、IB等國際漢語課程考試大綱與HSK等級詞彙。 融入High Order Thinking設計,並搭配生動有趣的插圖。 適合課堂共讀或學生自行閱讀,可達鞏固延伸的效果。 附聆聽音檔,另可選購點讀筆搭配學習,效果更佳。

Kang Hsuan 2018 1st Edition

1. ISBN: 9789861519913

《老师上课了》这本书很适合拿来用在初学班的教室里。 一开始每天念一次,念的速度不要太快,确定学生跟得上,且能跟着做所有的动作,慢慢地您会发现,学生可以听得懂,甚至看到老师的动作就说出来。老师们还可以用指令跟学生玩“老师说”(Simon says)的游戏,还可以变化,让孩子出来,换成自己的名字,例如 Brandon 说….; 或Lucus 说….。 It ‘s a great book for students to learn all the basic instruction in the classroom. You may start by reading the book slowly and clearly with physical action. Once you find the students are able to catch up with all the instruction, Teachers can use the commend to play the game “ Simon says” .

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2. ISBN: 9789861519920

这本书透过美美老师的时间表,让学生学会怎么介绍自己的一天(daily routine)。老师们可以用Think –Pair-Share 让大家先练习说自己几点起床?几点吃早饭?几点上学?在学校吃什么?……等一系列问题。接着让学生用简图把自己的答案画出来,成为做口语的提醒,最后写成一篇作文。 It ‘s a book that introduces daily routine. Students learn how to introduce his/her day through Teacher Meimei’s routine. Students can also draw their answers with a mind map as a reminder for oral presentation which turns out to be the outlines for written work in the end.

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3. ISBN: 9789861519937

這这本书围绕着〝爱好〞这个主题。这个“我”真的没有爱好吗?请学生读完以后说说他们的看法。为什么“我”说“我没有爱好?如果有爱好,又是什么?学生得说出“我”不喜欢的每一个爱好。这本书里,有爱好的是家里的宠物,它们喜欢做什么呢?又不喜欢做什么呢? 老师可以用Numbered Heads Together 的方法让学生分小组回答问题。还可以介绍家人和朋友的爱好,口头介绍后,再写文章,就会非常有信心了。 This book is mainly talking about hobbies. Does this “I” really have no hobbies? After reading and listening to the book, students have to share their findings. They will learn and recognize various kinds of hobbies.

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4. ISBN: 9789861519944

《猜猜我是什麼水果》鼓勵學生運用學到的詞彙和高階思維去分析原先就有的知識,最後找到正確答案。這個活動在教室裡多次操作,證明是一個非常受歡迎的活動。老師還可以鼓勵學生在猜完書裡的水果後,說出或寫下自己的版本讓其他人去猜。 Riddles for fruit encourage students to apply their higher order thinking to sort out their prior knowledge with new-learnt vocabulary. It has been proven to be a very popular activity in the classroom after learning how to say different fruits.

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5. ISBN: 9789861519951

能说出身体部位很重要,但要明确说一个人高矮、胖瘦、美丑等看法很容易冒犯人。用动物来描述就容易多了,如果我们能说动物,也就可以描述人了。学生也非常喜欢用动物其他的讯息和行为模式加上学来的语言来描述动物。老师也可以鼓励学生去描述一个他们喜欢的动物,让同学一起来猜。 Students enjoy using other information to guess what the animals are through their behavior pattern. Students/children are encouraged to describe an animals for others to guess after reading the book.

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6. ISBN: 9789579502108

每个人都希望被看见,《你看到我了吗?》这本书的灵感来自孩子跟同学、朋友、家人兴奋地描述照片中的自己。可能述说时,自己已经不再是当年那个稚嫩的“我”了,于是指着照片,描述自己的长相、外表和服装,让别人从一群人中找到“我” 。这本书给学生机会去复习国家、外貌和服装。 This book is mainly talking about hobbies. Does this “I” really have no hobbies? After reading and listening to the book, students have to share their findings. They will learn and recognize various kinds of hobbies.

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7. ISBN: 9789579502115

“母老虎”不见了!“母老虎”这只宠物的行为太讨人厌了,她总是做一些让人无奈的事情,可是我的妹妹就是不能没有她。让我们来看看,这只母老虎跟你家或你看过的宠物有什么不一样? My Tiger Lady has gone missing! What happened to her? Even though Tiger Lady is annoying as a pet to this family, “ my little sister” just can not live without her. Let’s see how different Tiger Lady can be from the one you might have at your home.

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8. ISBN: 9789861519968

这本书从一个小朋友的眼中来看妈妈接触了网上游戏后的改变。老师可以带着学生讨论,书中的妈妈真的生病了吗?妈妈生了什么病?我们身边有这样的人吗?健康的人不会生病,可是这个妈妈健康吗?妈妈的问题在哪里?请学生比较一下,以前的妈妈和现在的妈妈有什么不一样,喜欢以前的妈妈还是现在的妈妈?为什么?最后请学生说说自己的妈妈。 This book reveals how a mother is changed after playing online games from a child’s perception. Teachers can discuss if this Mum is really sick; What kind of illness? Do we have people like that around us? Would healthy people be sick? Is this Mum healthy? What is Mum’s problem? Students can discuss the differences after Mum is “sick”. Would you like the “different” Mum yourself? Or you prefer the one before? Why? Last but not the least, students are encouraged to describe their mums.

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9. ISBN: 9789579502122

退休之后的王爷爷一个人住在澳大利亚,孩子都住在不同的国家。他不能接受任何新东西,但,是什么改变了他的生活呢?一个“爱拍的”礼物让他忙起来了,他的生活有什么改变?忙些什么呢?学生可以从这本书讨论科技如何改变我们的生活。 Grandpa Wang lives in Australia all by himself . Old Grandpa Wang can never accept anything new. A present from his beloved granddaughter changed him completely. Encourage students to compare the changes Grandpa Wang has made.

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10. ISBN: 9789579502139

学生喜欢《我的邻居怎么了?》这本书是因为“我不理你”先生太经典了!透过“我”的抱怨,学生可以讨论,究竟是“我不理你”先生有问题?还是说故事的“我”有问题?在反思自己是不是一个好居民的同时,也探讨现代人与邻居之间的互动,应该怎么做一个受欢迎的邻居。最后让学生去描述,说故事的人是一个什么样的人。 Mr. Wabblinnie is such a classic case! Teachers can start their discussion with students about how we interact with our neighbours through the comparison with the book. Who is the troublesome one? The neighbour “Mr. Wabblinnie”or the narrator? Students can also guess or portrait what the author is like after reading the book.

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