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IBDP Chinese B Listening and Reading SL (level 1 to level 5 )


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ISBN: 9787513819565

Sinolingua 2020

IBDP中文B听读精练·SL(1-5级套装)根据IBDP中文科目的五大主题,选取了一批反映中国现状和百姓生活的文章,以帮助IBDP中文B学生在提高中文阅读和听力水平的同时,增加对中国现实的了解,进而达到IB所提倡的简历文化理解、培养国际视野的教育目标。每篇文章后配有与IB新大纲(2020年版)题型和难度相仿的阅读和听力练习题,听力训练的音频文件可以在华语教学出版社官网下载。 This series of books features a number of articles reflecting Chinese daily life which were specifically selected according to the five themes stipulated in the IBDP. By using this series, students can not only improve their Chinese reading and listening comprehension, they can also gain a better understanding of Chinese society and culture to help cultivate an international perspective. Reading and listening exercises corresponding with the requirements of the new 2020 IB syllabus are attached at the end of each text. Audio files of the listening exercises can be downloaded from the Sinolingua official website.

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