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Easy Chinese Easy Reader : Pack of 16 Books (Simplified Character) range



Easy Chinese Easy Readers is a series of stories designed for primary school students. This series is composed of 4 volumes and each volume consists of 16 readers.

The readers are good for students learning Chinese with PYP Chinese curriculum or any school-designed curriculum as intensive and/or extensive reading materials. The 4 volumes can also go with the Chinese Made Easy for Kids, Books 1-4.

Each story matches with a topic in the books. Each story is supplemented by tips for teachers, exercises, vocabulary explanations, English narration, and digital resources

Author: Rachel Kung
Publication Date: 01/01/2017
Publisher: 三联书店(香港)有限公司
Series: 轻松汉语轻松读
Age: 4-6 years




Level 1: 2221898600518

1. 十隻小青蛙 Ten Little Frogs 2. 二和一在哪裡 Where are Two and One? 3. 以恩的漢語地鐵 Ian’s Chinese Subway 4. 米米買蛋糕 Mia Bought a Cake 5. 誰送的生日禮物 Who Gave the Birthday Gift? 6. 我要一個妹妹和一個哥哥 I Want a Younger Sister and an Elder Brother 7. 爺爺有哥哥 Grandpa Has Elder Brothers?! 8. 加加喜歡什麼顏色 What Colour Does Jia Jia Like? 9. 我們的校服 Our School Uniform 10. 叔叔不一樣了 Uncle Becomes Different! 11. 畫動物 Drawing Animals 12. 妹妹不吃水果 Little Sister Does Not Eat Fruit 13. 哥哥不喝果汁了 Elder Brother Will Not Drink Juice Anymore 14. 老師的書包 Teacher’s School Bag 15. 米米的玩具房子 Mia’s Toy House 16. 一田的臥室裡沒有床 No Beds in Yata’s Bedroom

Level 2: 2221898600525

1. 好玩兒的漢語村 The Interesting Chinese Village 2. 老師是誰的家人 Whose Family Member is the Teacher? 3. 誰吃了漢堡包 Who Ate the Hamburger? 4. 蘋果的動物園 Apple’s Zoo 5. 我們來”做”一幅畫 Let’s ‘Make’ a Picture! 6. 誰做豬大哥 Who Acts the Eldest Pig? 7. 零食真有用 Snack is Really Useful! 8. 我們都是水果 We are All Fruit 9. 誰會說韓語 Who Can Speak Korean? 10. 寶藏在哪裡 Where is the Treasure? 11. 可愛的機器人 The Lovely Robot 12. 走得很慢的鬧鐘 The Slow Alarm Clock 13. 我們去中國學功夫 We Go to China to Learn Kung Fu 14. 我們的作業 Our Homework 15. 奇怪的早飯、午飯和晚飯 Weird Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 16. 芒果為什麼知道 How Come Mango Knows?

Level 3: 9789620440915

16 Stories in Volume3

1. 谁在家工作 Who Worked at Home? 2. 绿衣人和橙衣人 A Green Man and an Orange Woman 3. 喝非洲人的喜酒 Going to an African Wedding 4. 偷回收衣服 Stealing Recycled Clothes 5. “天气”滑冰队” Weather’ Ice-skating Team 6. 小风去露营 Xiao Feng Went Camping 7. 学生是老师的老师 Students are Teachers’ Teachers 8. 白云的猫书包 Mirrin’s Kitty School Bag 9.谁喜欢学我的样 Who Likes to Copy Me? 10. 阿体不见了 Arthit is Missing 11. 猴子来我们家了 A Monkey Came to Our Home 12. 不能吃的蛋糕 Cakes That Cannot be Eaten 13. 太空肉饼 Space Meat Pies 14.在意大利餐厅干活儿 Work in an Italian Restaurant 15. 开玩笑 Just Joking 16. 还好马路上有车 Good to Have Cars on the Road

Level 4: 9789620440922

  1. 新同学是一个侦探 The New Classmate is a Detective 2.不一样的冬天 A Different Winter 3. 妈妈不是病好了吗  Isn’t Mom Recovered from Her Illness? 4. 在年宵市场上面 Above the New Year Eve Market 5.不要睡觉了 Do Not Sleep 6.在给妈妈一个惊喜 Give Mom a Surprise 7. 它真的是小狗豆豆吗  Is It Really the Little Puppy Dou Dou? 8. 不可以跟你去吃饭 Cannot Go Eat with You 9. 晚上的乡村学校 The Village School at Night 10. 现在做什么工作  What Occupation for Now? 11.爱沙做中餐 Asha Cooks Chinese Food 12. 爱沙两天没有吃饭了 Asha Has Not Been Eating for Two Days 13. 我们迷路了 We Got Lost 14. 谁得了第一名  Who Got the First Place? 15. 为什么闹钟在我床底下  Why is the Alarm Clock Under My Bed? 16.用手指梳头  Comb Hair with Fingers


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