Cosmetic Acupuncture: A TCM Approach to Cosmetic and Dermatological Problems (Foundations)


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The skin reflects what is going on within, and is subjected to our daily dietary and lifestyle choices. Beauty does comes from within, but it can also be enhanced by many artificial and invasive methods from outside. However, for lasting healthy skin, one must manifest good health and a tranquil mind. This is where acupuncture can help.

This course aims to discuss the theory and practice of balancing energetic states of the body and mind to treat problems of the skin, the connective tissues and sagging and postural issues related to ageing.

The Foundations Course starts at the skin, as a deep understanding of this structure is essential when practising Cosmetic Acupuncture and Acupuncture for Dermatological Diseases.

Participants will learn three protocols of practice for each therapy:

  1. Body acupuncture for balancing energies to correct the cause of the problem
  2. Local treatment on areas of sagging/wrinkling/pigmentation/cellulite etc
  3. Advising the patient on diet and lifestyle in order to stabilise the effects achieved

About Radha
Dr Radha Thambirajah graduated from Shanghai Medical College in 1970. She studied medicine and specialised in acupuncture. She established her successful practice upon returning to Sri Lanka, and founded the Academy of Chinese Acupuncture in 1980.

In 1984, Dr Thambirajah moved to England and opened the Academy of Chinese Acupuncture in Berlin, which has trained over 9000 students worldwide.

With a wealth of experience in teaching, Dr Thambirajah has trained doctors and health professionals all over the world. She has been invited as a guest lecturer at a variety of conferences in Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Poland, Barcelona, Italy, and Sao Paulo.

Dr Thambirajah is the author of ”Cosmetic Acupuncture and Dermatological Diseases (2nd ed)” and “Energetics in Acupuncture”.


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