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COMPLIMENTARY: Using Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture and Neuromuscular Facial Acupuncture Theory and Technique Explanation with Michelle Gellis


What You Will Get with this FREE WEBINAR

  • 50 Minutes of Footage – a short overview of the Full Course
  • Lifetime Access
  • No formal CPDs

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Presenting Michelle Gellis

Course Outline

1, Introduction
2. Facial Acupuncture – Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Vs Neuromuscular Facial Acupuncture
3. Cosmetic Acupuncture- Acupuncture, Facial Cupping, Facial Gua Sha
4. How not to do Facial Acupuncture and explanations why along with photo examples
5. How to do Facial Acupuncture- Safely and Effecitely practice using as few needles as possible and correct technique as per Michelle’s
6. What Facial Acupuncture can do for your patients- Can erase 5-15 years off patients
7. TCM functions of Cosmetic Acupuncture
8. Physiological explanation of Cosmetic Acupuncture
9. The importance of precision needling techniques
10. What is Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture? – 3 main factors as to why it works so well!
11. Treatment of Expression lines- e.g. Expression of Anger- consequences and the wrinkles that develop.
12. 6 Most common questions asked by patients and practitioners regarding Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture plus Michelle’s answers and experience
13. 6 main reasons for the benefits of Facial Cupping/Gua Sha|
14. Facial Cupping techniques- Before and After photos
15. Neuromuscular Facial Acupuncture- What is it used for?
16. Advanced Needling Skills and Protocols- Techniques which will be taught in Sydney Workshop
17. Scalp Acupuncture Review
18. Facial Motor Points- In treating Neuromuscular Facial Conditions
19. Video Demo of Needling Mentalis Motor Point for Bells Palsy Sequealae
20. Video Demo of Needling Frontalis- Submuscular needling
21. Microneedling – What is it and what are it’s uses? Benefits of Microneedling
22. What to look for in a microneedling device
23. Difference between Microneedling Vs Cosmetic Acupuncture
24. Facial Acupuncture Certification Class plus inclusions
25. The Absolute importance of proper training for facial needling and why


About Michelle Gellis


Michelle Gellis is a Licensed and Board Certified Acupuncture Physician. She has been a Faculty Member and Clinic Supervisor at the Maryland University of Integrative Health (formally the Tai Sophia Institute) since 2004.

Michelle Gellis holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Seton Hall University School of Business in Computer Science, and a Master of Science Degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture Institute.

Ms Gellis holds the distinction of being one of the very few acupuncturists in the country certified to teach acupuncture facial rejuvenation — also known as cosmetic acupuncture — certification classes on a national level to other acupuncturists.

In addition to acupuncture facial rejuvenation, Michelle teaches classes on facial cupping, gua sha and treating neuromuscular facial conditions such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis , Trigeminal Neuralgia, TMJ, and Bells Palsy with acupuncture.

She has been published in The Journal of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture Today, the Maryland Acupuncture Society Newsletter, The Acupuncture Desk Reference as well as featured in Her Mind Magazine, Howard County Business News and Be Well World Magazine.

What You Will Get with this FREE WEBINAR

  • 50 Minutes of Footage
  • Lifetime Access
  • No formal CPDs



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