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Chinese Made Easy for Kids: Workbook series(2nd Edition/ Simplified Character)



Workbook 1: 9789620435942

Workbook 2: 9789620435959

Workbook 3: 9789620435966

Workbook 4: 9789620435973


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Chinese Made Easy for Kids has been published since 2005 and is available in both simplified and traditional character versions. It has since been translated into Germany, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Arabic. CME for kids is widely used by teachers and students in more than 30 countries. CME for Kids (Book 1-4) is designed for primary school children, who start learning Chinese as beginners. After completing this series, children will be able to recognize over 500 Chinese characters, write from memory approximately 100 simple Chinese characters and develop communication skills in Chinese from an early age.

Joint Publishing Company 2015 2nd Edition

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