In this series, Acupuncture Point Combinations and the Five Elements: The Master Key to Great Clinical Results, we will be exploring Five Element diagnosis and treatment as an exciting way of helping your patients in clinic; with easy to apply and rapidly effective clinical results. David has an extensive amount of experience with two different schools of thought – Zàng Fǔ Patterns of Disharmony and Five Element (Wǔ Xíng) Diagnosis and Treatment.
What he noticed is that Australian institutions teach the Zàng Fǔ Patterns, however barely touch on the Five Elements. He has taught Five Element Diagnosis and Treatment in different Australian colleges since 2000, and also has three chapters dedicated to the Five Elements in his extensive ‘Acupuncture Point Combinations’ textbook.
This is a one of a kind webinar/workshop which will discuss, in depth, the treatment of using acupuncture point combinations via the Five Element cycles of:
- Generating (Shēng)
- Controlling (Kè)
- Overacting (Chéng)
- Insulting (Wǔ).
The goal of this workshop is:
- To provide you with new knowledge
- Help consolidate your learning
- Remind you of something you may have forgotten
- Give you something you can use in your clinic immediately
Join us for this fascinating full bundle workshop on the Five Elements and Point Combinations!
Webinar Outline
Part 1: Wǔ Xíng (Five Element) Introductory Concepts:
Individual Pricing: $75
Total Duration:1 hour and 10 minutes
- Disclaimer
- Definition
- History
- Cycles
- Shū/Transporting Points
- Wǔ Xíng Points
- Horary Points/Chinese Clock
- Mother and Child Points.
Part 2: Wǔ Xíng (Five Element) Intermediate Concepts
Individual Pricing: $75
Total Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Shēng/Generating and Kè/Controlling Cycles:
- When to use
- How to use
- Clinical example
- All Five Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) are discussed including:
- Clinical examples.
- Acupuncture point combinations analysed.
- Shēng/Generating Cycle Disorders:
- Disorders discussed are chronic:
- Angina
- Anterior knee pain/swelling
- Frozen shoulder
- Memory loss
- Vertex headaches and anger.
- Zàng Fǔ Patterns discussed:
- Heart Yīn Xū
- Qì and Xuè Stagnation in the Spleen and Stomach channels
- Qì and Xuè Stagnation in the Large Intestine channel
- Kidney Jīng Xū
- Liver Fire Blazing.
- Disorders discussed are chronic:
- Kè/Controlling Cycle Disorders:
- Disorders discussed are acute:
- Palpitations
- Diarrhoea
- Tennis elbow
- Achille’s tendon strain
- Emotional stress.
- Zàng Fǔ Patterns discussed:
- Heart Qì Xū
- Spleen Qì Xū
- Qì and Xuè Stagnation in the Lung and Large Intestine channels
- Qì and Xuè Stagnation in the Kidney and Urinary Bladder channels
- Liver Qì
- Disorders discussed are acute:
Part 3: Wǔ Xíng (Five Element) Advanced Concepts:
Individual Pricing: $75
Total Duration:1 hour and 5 minutes
- Chéng/Overacting Cycle:
- When/how to use
- Used for an imbalance of two or more organs/elements
- Five considerations when deciding acupuncture point combinations
- Clinical examples/acupuncture point combinations are analysed for:
- Fire overacting on Metal
- Metal overacting on Wood
- Wood overacting on Earth
- Earth overacting on Water
- Water overacting on Fire.
- Chéng/Overacting Cycle Disorders:
- Disorders discussed are complicated:
- Bipolar (manic depression)
- Worry, stress and frustration
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with alternating constipation and diarrhoea
- Severe frontal headaches with heartburn accompanied by decreased sexual desire and impotence
- Fear/phobias with anxiety.
- Zàng Fǔ Patterns discussed:
- Heart Fire Blazing overacting on/leading to Lung Qì Xū
- Lung Qì Xū overacting on/leading to Liver Qì Stagnation
- Liver overacting on/invading the Stomach and Spleen
- Stomach Fire Blazing overacting on/leading to Kidney Yáng Xū
- Kidney Yáng Xū overacting on/leading to Heart Yáng Xū.
- Disorders discussed are complicated:
- Wǔ/Insulting Cycle:
- When/how to use
- Used for an imbalance of two or more organs/elements
- Five considerations when deciding acupuncture point combinations
- Clinical examples/acupuncture point combinations are analysed for:
- Fire insulting Water
- Water insulting Earth
- Earth insulting Wood
- Wood insulting Metal
- Metal insulting Fire.
- Wǔ/Insulting Cycle Disorders:
- Disorders discussed are complicated:
- Hypertension and insomnia with violent dreams accompanied by low back, groin and lower abdominal pain with swollen ankles and feet
- Fear/phobias with worry
- Pensiveness along with feeling overwhelmed and stressed
- Meniere’s disease with wheezing and shortness of breath
- Grief and sadness.
- Zàng Fǔ Patterns discussed:
- Heart Fire Blazing insulting the Water element leading to Kidney Yáng Xū
- Kidney Yáng Xū insulting the Earth element leading to Spleen Yáng Xū
- Spleen Qì Xū insulting the Wood element leading to Liver Xuè Xū
- Liver Fire Blazing insulting the Metal element leading to Lung Qì Xū
- Lung Qì Xū insulting the Fire element leading to Heart Qì Xū.
- Disorders discussed are complicated:
What You Get When You Register Today
- 3 hours and 45 minutes of Video Footage PLUS course notes
- 4 CPD points
- 5 years access
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