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Accelerated Balance System Acupuncture Workshop Levels 2.5 Practical, 5 and 6 with Dr. Sonia F. Tan – BALANCE SETTLEMENT



  • Date: 28th, 29th and 30th of June 2024
  • Times:
    Day 1:  Morning Group: 9am-1pm | Afternoon Group 2pm-6pm
    Day 2 : 8.30am-6pm
    Day 3: 9am-5.30pm
  • CPDs:
    Interactive CPDs Day 1 ONLY: 4 CPDs
    Interactive Total CPDs Day 1,2 and 3: 19 CPDs
    Interactive CPDs Day 2 and 3 (Advanced Students ONLY) :15 CPDs
    Webinar CPDs for new students: 28.5 CPDs
  • Notes: Included
  • Venue: Vibe Hotel – 111 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000


You have already paid $300 deposit so there is $1,150 remaining. Please use this page to make your final payment and secure your spot.

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Seminar Outline and Prerequisites

This is an intensive and accelerated 3 day Level 2.5P and ADVANCED Level 5 and 6 course in Balance Acupuncture that will elevate your overall understanding and practice of Balance Method Acupuncture to the next level through learning Balance System Acupuncture, an evolutionary and systemic technique focused on getting further results.

This course consists of 1 day of Level 2.5 Practical (Practical Workshop which can be attended as a standalone) and 2 days of advanced theory of the Balance System Acupuncture, in Level 5 (Five Phases Balance) and Level 6 (Seasonal- Balancing within the Seasonal Qi). Participants will be able to apply the concepts immediately in practice and develop effective treatments.

The Balance System Acupuncture as taught by Dr. Sonia F. Tan is based on the culmination of her education, research and experience with various teachers including the late Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan, Dr. Daoshing Ni, Dr. Yvonne Farrell and Dr. Jeffrey Yuen.

  • Upon registration for Level 2.5P, new students will automatically receive  access to our BSA Foundations Level 1 and 2 (webinar on Chinese Medicine Education) worth $850. Registrants will need to have completed Sonia’s BSA Foundations Level 1 and 2, in person or online AS as a prerequisite to be able to attend Level 2.5P. This can be completed separate as a Day 1 standalone. Students who register for Level 2.5P need not attend Level 3 and 4, however would be highly recommended.
  • Upon registration for Level 5 and 6, new students (who have never previously completed any of Sonia Tan’s courses) will automatically receive Complimentary Access to our BSA Foundation and Intermediate Levels 1 to 4  (webinar on Chinese Medicine Education) within worth $895. Please be advised if you have previously attended Sonia’s classes, you will only be given a student discount below and not full access to level 3 and 4 as these are for new students only, 5 year access  can be provided for the standard fee of $59 to all existing students.
  • Advanced existing students of Sonia Tan’s who have previously completed BSA Levels 1-4 will receive a student discount to attend Level 5 and 6. Select Tan Existing Advanced Student in the dropdown menu upon registration. You will need to provide proof of completion of Level 1-4 to organizers.

If you have not previously completed Level 1 and 2 with Sonia in person or online, or if you have taken the level 1 and 2 equivalent courses with any other Balance Method teachers, you MUST complete the webinar recordings before attending any of the courses below. This applies to level 3 and 4 as pre-requisites for attending level 5 and 6. All New students are REQUIRED as a PREREQUISITE to attend Level 2.5 Practical if they have never attended any of Dr Sonia Tan’s courses in person and been practically assessed.

Seminar Description and Schedule 

Day 1: Level 2.5 Foundations Practical
Refinement and Practical Workshop
(For New and Returning Students) New Students can register as Standalone Workshop

Pre-requisites to attend: 

  • Completion Single Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 1
  • Multiple Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 2 (BSA Foundations = Levels 1+2)
  • (Via Webinar or In person with proof of certificate of completion). Balance Method students who have attended other classes are welcome to join but MUST complete the webinar. 
  • This half day workshop is compulsory for new students who have not attended any of Sonia’s existing in-person courses.

Complimentary Level 1 and 2 Webinar Included and MUST be completed before attending. Proof of completion must be emailed to

Fill in the gaps and deepen your knowledge and mastery of the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture! This first day provides both a practical, hands-on refinement of the basic and important points in the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture (BSA), an evolution of the Balance Method. Balance System Practitioners understand that it is all in the finer details and solidifying and practicing point technique and location on other acupuncturists (with feedback within a workshop setting) is absolutely fundamental in taking your skills and results to the next level and achieving happier patients and more referrals.

Understand and anchor your learning with the detailed and systematic teaching style of Dr. Sonia F. Tan, DAOM, RAc, RTCMP, one of Grandmaster Da Shi Richard Tan’s Senior Student, Gold Level Practitioner, and Master Balance Acupuncturist.

This course provides a practical and hands-on refinement of the basic and important points in the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture, an evolution of the Balance Method. This half day class is designed for those that have taken either the recorded webinar or in-person Balance System/Method course work, and are looking for or in need of the “3 R’s”: Review, Refine, Refresh. Fill in the gaps and deepen your knowledge of Balance Method/System Acupuncture with a detailed teaching style and dedicated practical review time with Grandmaster Da Shi Richard Tan’s Senior Student, Gold Level Practitioner and Master Balance Acupuncturist, Dr. Sonia F Tan, DAOM, RAc, RTCMP and her Certified Teachers.

Review and practice with hands-on palpation, location and needling. The course will include a practical evaluation. Participants will be able to review and apply the didactic concepts immediately in practice and develop and enhance their palpation and needling skills to facilitate effective treatments.

Morning and Afternoon will be dedicated to practical refinement. Fill in the gaps, connect the hands and head understanding and deepen your knowledge of the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture. Together with Dr. Sonia Tan’s Certified Teachers, review and practice with hands-on palpation, location and needling, including hands-on practice of any special point location and needling techniques. The course will include a practical evaluation of BSA Foundations for those who have not completed this. in addition to hands-on practice of any special point location and needling techniques, if in-person teaching is available. Returning students are highly encouraged to attend as there will be more practice, more accurate point location, revision and guidance by both Sonia and one of her official teaching assistants.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes: A student who successfully completes this course will have demonstrated the ability to: ● Recall, recognize, articulate and apply the Single systems, Holography, Mirror / Image, Special Point locations, and Multiple / Global systems in clinical use. ● Explain and demonstrate the point location and acupuncture needling technique of the essential clinical favourite acupoints of the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture strategies. ● Understand and analyze the clinical uses of the Balance System Acupuncture strategies, including the special and/or clinical favourite acupoints. ● Apply the special point location practice and needling techniques. ● Understand and integrate practical applications of Balance System Acupuncture strategies with confidence.

Morning and Afternoon Schedule

Day 1 of 1: Half Day – Morning and Afternoon Groups

  • 9:00 am to 9:30 am 【Morning Group Starts at 9:00AM】 or 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm 【Afternoon Group Starts at 2:00PM】 : Review and demonstration of a selection of clinical favourites and special acupoints of the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture –DEMONSTRATION  Students can take breaks throughout when waiting to be evaluated or during free time.
  • 9:30 am to 10:00 am 【Morning Group】 or  2:30 pm to 3:00 pm 【Afternoon Group】: Breakout groups to practice location and needling of the selected and optional clinical favourites and special acupoints of the Foundations of Balance System Acupuncture. – SUPERVISED PRACTICE 
  • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm 【Morning Group Finishes at 1:00PM】 or  3:00 pm to 6:00 pm 【Afternoon Group Finishes at 6:00PM】:Practical evaluations of each student and questions of students. – SUPERVISED PRACTICE

ADVISE PREFERENCES UPON BOOKING:  Morning or Afternoon Group (Class Number Cap Applies) EMAIL Morning or Afternoon preferences- for allocation Morning Group starts at 9am and finishes at 1pm Afternoon Group starts at  2pm and finishes at 6pm

Priority of class allocation will be given to students who have never attended in person for Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 as well as students of other teachers of Balance Method classes who have never attended Sonia’s classes prior. This is to ensure all students have BSA location and needling training moving into advanced courses, as this may differ with other teachers.

Day 2: Level 5
Five Phases Balancing

Pre-requisites to attend:

  • Single Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 1
  • Multiple Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 2
  • BSA Refresher and Practical (from online entry)
  • Channel-Conversion: Balance System Acupuncture Level 3 and 4
    (Via Webinar or In person with proof of certificate of completion). Balance Method students who have attended other classes are welcome to join but MUST complete the webinars provided. 
  • Complimentary Level 3 and 4 Webinar Included for new students and MUST be completed before attending. Proof of completion must be emailed to

This course combines the theories behind two effective acupuncture systems: Five Phase (aka Element) Acupuncture and Balance System Acupuncture. Attention is paid to which elements are associated with specific hexagrams of the I-Ching, and how to balance these hexagrams using the Balance System. Advanced concepts of tonification and sedation will be discussed. In addition, this course will explain how these concepts can be applied to stubborn cases of stagnation. Case studies will be discussed to help assist participants in a thorough understanding of this advanced system.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes: A student who successfully completes this course will have demonstrated the ability to: ● Identify which hexagram is associated with each channel. ● Identify which trigrams are associated with the appropriate Five Phase / Element. ● Select and construct a Five Phase / Element hexagram. ● Recognize cases which are applicable to using the I-Ching Five Phases Balance approach. ● Explain how to convert a channel’s hexagram to a Five Phases hexagram. ● Produce an appropriate Five Phase / Element hexagram to a medical condition. ● Construct and apply a Five Phases / Element Balance approach to treat applicable medical conditions.

Morning Schedule 

8:30 am-11:45 am:

  • Review of Balance System Acupuncture, Levels 1 to 4. Case examples and questions.
  • Overview of Five Phase Theory
  • Relationship of Five Phases to Hexagrams
  • Using Balance Acupuncture to balance hexagrams. Tonification and Sedation techniques – WOOD XS OR DEFY

Break for 15 min

12:00pm – 1:00 pm:

  • Using Balance Acupuncture to balance hexagrams. Tonification and Sedation techniques – FIRE XS OR DEFY
  • Using Balance Acupuncture to balance hexagrams. Tonification and Sedation techniques – EARTH XS OR DEFY

Lunch break- 1 hour

Afternoon Schedule 

2:00 pm – 3:45 pm::

  • Using Balance Acupuncture to balance hexagrams. Tonification and Sedation techniques – METAL XS OR DEFY
  • Using Balance Acupuncture to balance hexagrams. Tonification and Sedation techniques – WATER XS OR DEFY
  • Treating stubborn cases
  • Case studies and Q & A

Break for 15 minutes

4:00pm – 6:00pm:

  • Treating more than 2 phases involved
  • Developing your treatments in clinical practice
  • Case studies and Q & A
  • Final discussion and questions

Day Concludes

DINNER BANQUET with Sonia and Suzanne: $50pp (10-12 course banquet meal- Modern Chinese)- Optional for students who want to attend


Day 3: Level 6
Balancing in the Seasons | Seasonal Balance 

Pre-requisites to attend:

  • Single Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 1
  • Multiple Systems: Balance System Acupuncture Level 2
  • BSA Refresher and Practical (from online entry),
  • Channel-Conversion: Balance System Acupuncture Level 3 and 4
  • (Via Webinar or In person with proof of certificate of completion). Balance Method students who have attended other classes are welcome to join but MUST complete the webinars provided. 
  • Complimentary Level 3 and 4 Webinar Included for new students and MUST be completed before attending. If new students have not completed levels 1 and 2, they must competed online webinar and also attend Level 2.5P. Proof of completion must be emailed to

In this course, students will expand their knowledge and application of the Balance System and discuss Seasonal and Four-Section timing. This is an advanced method of point selection based on the rhythms of nature and the five shu-transporting points. Our sleep cycles, hormonal levels and mental states are all affected by cyclical rhythms.

Dr. Sonia F. Tan discusses the connection between channels, acupoints points and the rhythms of our body and nature. With this knowledge, different points will be more effective at various times of the day and during various seasons. In addition, she will expand the discussion of the I-Ching and discuss how we can create a balance in the seasons by using the hexagram of the current season to balance the hexagram associated with an affected channel.

This system is effective for a variety of internal and external disorders. Particular attention will be paid to disorders that are caused or exacerbated by seasonal changes such as allergies, joint pain, muscle aches and certain types of depression. Case studies will be discussed to help assist participants in a thorough understanding of this advanced system.

Participants will be able to apply the concepts immediately in practice and develop effective treatments.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes: A student who successfully completes this course will have demonstrated the ability to: ● Identify which hexagram is associated with each channel. ● Identify which trigrams are associated with the appropriate Five Phase / Element. ● Select and construct a Five Phase / Element hexagram. ● Identify and indicate the timing of seasonal cycles of flow. ● Recognize cases which are applicable to using the Seasonal Balance approach. ● Explain how to convert a channel’s hexagram to a Five Phases hexagram. ● Produce an appropriate Five Phase / Element hexagram to a seasonal medical condition. ● Construct and apply a Seasonal Balance approach to treat applicable seasonal medical conditions.

Morning Schedule 

9am – 11.30am:

  • Review of Balance System Acupuncture, Levels 1 to 5
  • Review of I-Ching Theory
  • Hexagram and Five phases relationship to the Solar calendar and seasons –
  • Hexagram relationships to the channels and seasons
  • 5 Shu-Transporting Points

Break for 15 minutes

11:45am– 12:30pm

  • Cyclical nature of the points in relation to the time of day and seasons
  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – SPRING/WOOD

Lunch break for 1 hour minimum

Afternoon Schedule 

1:30pm – 3:30pm:

  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – SPRING/WOOD
  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – SUMMER/FIRE
  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – AUTUMN/METAL

Break for 15 minutes

3:45pm – 5:30pm:

  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – WINTER/WATER
  • Balancing seasonal hexagrams with the affected meridian hexagrams – EARTH –
  • Case Studies and treatment examples – Allergies, migraines, body temperature (disorders treated with this system) GROUP DISCUSSION
  • Final discussion and questions – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Day Concludes


About Dr. Sonia F. Tan (BA (Econ & Psy), BA (Hons Kin), DTCM Dip., DAOM, RAc, RTCMP)

Dr. Sonia F. Tan, BA, BA(H), DAOM, RAc, RTCMP, is an educator, author, practitioner and consultant. She has been helping guide people on their pathway to balance in the Chinese Medicine and metaphysical world since 2006. She is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM degree), a Registered Acupuncturist, and a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner. Dr. Sonia Tan obtained her clinical research Doctorate degree from Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Los Angeles, California. She is also a graduate of the five year Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine program from the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Vancouver. Dr. Sonia F. Tan is one of few certified Gold Level practitioners of the late Dr. Richard Tan. His most advanced level courses after all Balance Method levels, were first completed by a group of 16 senior students. Sonia was among those 16. With the blessings of fellow senior students to pass on the Balance Method legacy, Dr. Sonia Tan developed and created the very first Balance Method/System Acupuncture Certificate program at an accredited public post-secondary institution–Langara College –launched in 2018. Dr. Sonia Tan is the author of The Foundations of Balance Acupuncture: A Clinical Reference Manual.

In addition to Balance Method and following in her grandfather’s footsteps, the Tan lineage, and the classical umbrella of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Sonia Tan has completed apprenticeships in Chinese Metaphysics in the areas of Chinese Astrology, Face Reading, and Classical Feng Shui under various teachers, and has been certified since 2011. She is a certified Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui practitioner under Master Marlyna Los, and a certified Ba Zi Chinese Astrology practitioner and direct and first graduating class disciple of the late Grandmaster Dr. Richard Tehfu Tan. Dr. Sonia Tan has also completed many adjunct and advanced courses, such as Sound Healing, TCM Clinical Aromatherapy & Essential Oils, and Dr. Jeffrey Yuen & Dr. Yvonne Farrell’s Eight Extraordinary Vessels approach. She is also an ongoing student of a variety of Martial Arts since 1995, and is grateful to her Shifu the late Dale Johns for her foundation, and to Shifu Matthew Dyck for continued guidance.

Dr. Sonia F. Tan is immersed in all aspects of Chinese Metaphysics, and thoroughly enjoys educating and inspiring others!


  • Date: 28th, 29th and 30th of June 2024
  • Times:
    Day 1:  Morning Group: 9am-1pm | Afternoon Group 2pm-6pm
    Day 2 : 8.30am-6pm
    Day 3: 9am-5.30pm
  • CPDs:
    Interactive CPDs Day 1 ONLY: 4 CPDs
    Interactive Total CPDs Day 1,2 and 3: 19 CPDs
    Interactive CPDs Day 2 and 3 (Advanced Students ONLY) :15 CPDs
    Webinar CPDs for new students: 28.5 CPDs
  • Notes: Included
  • Venue: Vibe Hotel – 111 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000


  • $300 to secure spot- full payment made 1 month before the seminar

(offer ends 24/05/2024 7th June 2024)
New students are classified as students who have never attended or completed any of Dr Sonia Tan’s Level 1 to 4 BSA classes and have never been assessed in person for BSA point location (Practical) and needling technique. This is important for all new students to attend Level 2.5 Practical in order to maintain high standard of clinical treatment along with consistency. 

  • Attending Day 1 Level 2.5 Practical only with access to webinars BSA Level 1 and 2:
    Practitioner Rate: $800 (Webinar BSA Level 1 and 2 Access worth $850 alone)
    Student Rate: $750 (Webinar BSA Level 1 and 2 Access worth $850 alone)
  • Attending Full 3 day webinar plus access to 4x complimentary webinars BSA Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 prior to the course
    Practitioner Rate: $2500
    Student (Full Time – Undergraduate): $2200

(price after 24/05/2024 7th June 2024)

  • Attending Day 1 Level 2.5 Practical only with access to webinars BSA Level 1 and 2:
    Practitioner Rate: $900 (Webinar BSA Level 1 and 2 Access worth $850 alone)
    Student Rate: $850  (Webinar BSA Level 1 and 2 Access worth $850 alone)
  • Attending Full 3 day webinar plus access to 4x complimentary webinars BSA Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 prior to the course
  • Practitioner Rate: $3200
  • Student (Full Time – Undergraduate): $2900


(Previously Completed Level 1-4 Advanced Students)
Day 1 Attendance is optional for Advanced students  as advanced students should have all completed practical component in previous classes, the discount in the pricing has also been accommodated with this in mind.  

  • Early Bird Practitioner Rate: $1450
  • Regular Rate: $1850
  • Early Bird Student (Full Time – Undergraduate): $1250
  • Regular Rate: $1650



Terms and Conditions
*Early Bird: Full payment is required 4 weeks prior to the start of the Seminar and Workshop
*Registrations cancelled up to one week prior to the seminar will be refunded less 20%. We regret that refunds are not otherwise possible.
*Any cancellations whether the full ticket price or only deposit has paid, the full fee of the Balance System Acupuncture Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 Recording will incur- for full bookings. For Day 1 only, there will be no refunds.

(Early Bird Rate ends on the 28/05/2024 7th June 2024)

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