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A Clinical Guide to Chinese Herbs and Formulae


By CHEN Song Yu and LI Fei

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A clinical handbook for practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that provides quick and easy reference to the selection of herbs for treatment and their action alone and in combination. This is a handbook from two eminent teachers from the Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine who have between them accumulated over 60 years of clinical practice and teaching. They emphasise how to combine herbs and differentiate between single herbs and formulae depending on the treatment strategy adopted. It contains case histories illustrating how to adapt formula in practice.

Features: A practical, easy-to-use guide for the busy practitioner or student. A glossary explains unfamiliar terms >Information in tables – for quick identification of herbs & combination of herbs >Illustrated with line diagrams showing where the herbs act on the body

PART 1: COMPARISON of the ACTIONS & INDICATIONS of SOME COMMON CHINESE HERBS >Herbs that Release the Exterior >Herbs that Clear Heat >Herbs that Purge & Promote Digestion >Herbs that Resolve Phlegm & Stop Coughing & Wheezing >Herbs that Eliminate Wind-Damp >Herbs that Resolve & Drain Dampness >Herbs that Warm the Interior & Regulate Qi >Herbs that Regulate Blood >Herbs that Calm the Mind & the Liver & Extinguish Wind >Tonics >Astringent Herbs

PART 2: COMBINATIONS of COMMON CHINESE HERBS >Herbs that Release the Exterior & Stop Cough & Wheeze >Herbs that Clear Heat >Purgative & Digestive Herbs >Herbs that Relieve Bi Syndromes >Herbs that Resolve & Drain Dampness >Herbs that Resolve Phlegm >Herbs that Subdue Wind & Calm the Mind >Tonics & Astringents >Herbs that Warm the Interior & Regulate Qi >Herbs that Activate Blood Circulation & Stop Bleeding

PART 3: APPLICATION of HERBS on the BASIS of the DIFFERENTIATION of PATTERNS of the ZANG FU >The Lungs >The Heart >The Spleen, Stomach & Large Intestines >The Liver & Gall Bladder >The Kidneys & Bladder

PART 4: COMBINATIONS & COMPARISONS of COMMONLY USED FORMULAE: >Formulae for Releasing the Exterior >Purgative Formulae >Formulae for Clearing Heat >Formulae for Warming the Interior >Formulae that Tonify >Formulae that Regulate Qi >Formulae that Regulate Blood >Formulae that Expel Dampness >Formulae that Eliminate Phlegm >Formulae that Expel Wind >Formulae that Calm the Mind >Formulae that Reduce Food Stagnation & Dissipate Masses >Astringent Formulae

PART 5: the TREATMENT of COMMON DISEASE BASED on DIFFERENTIATION of SYNDROMES >Diseases in Internal Medicine >Gynaecological Disorders

APPENDICES: Pinyin Names of Herbs with Latin Equivalents >Latin Names of Herbs with Pinyin Equivalents >Pinyin Names of Formulae with English Equivalents >English Names of Formulae with Pinyin Equivalents >Formulae & Constituent Herbs Index

31 illustrations


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