Veteran British acupuncturist Oran Kivity trained in Europe, China, and Japan. In continuous practice since 1987, he specialised in Japanese methods and was a founder member of Toyohari UK, the British branch of the Toyohari Association of Japan. He taught acupuncture at the University of Westminster and the Northern College of Acupuncture for ten years. Oran is the author of four books about Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion, including the popular Hirata Zone Therapy with the Ontake Method and Moxa in Motion with the Ontake Method: Rhythmic Moxibustion Methods from Japan for Mind-Body Healing. Passionate about acupuncture and learning, he continues to teach internationally and has a successful habit coaching practice online, working with practitioners all over the world to develop their practices. Now based in Taiwan, he practises, writes, coaches and teaches from the southern port town of Kaohsiung, where he lives happily by a river, near a lake and close to the sea.